Donors/Sponsors (赞助人)

We are so grateful to our wonderful donors! Thank you for supporting our association and community!

Want to donate to the association? Please contact or apply for sponsorship by clicking here.


MSHCA Sponsorship

The MSHCA is a flagship Chinese Americans organization with members and guest members from Millburn, Short Hills and neighboring towns (e.g. Summit, Livingston, Springfield and Berkeley Heights, etc.). Every year, MSHCA conducts numerous community activities, such as festival gatherings, workshops, volunteer activities, etc., attracting a considerable number of participants.
With an expanding presence of MSHCA among the Chinese American communities in recent years, we currently offer four levels of sponsorship for business and individuals. The sponsorship will be valid for a WHOLE year.


Sponsorship Level:

Diamond Sponsor – $1500 and above (one year)

Platinum Sponsor – $800 (one year)

Friendly Sponsor– $200 (one year)


Diamond Sponsor

-Promoting the merchant on the member WeChat group


-Private promotion event or more


-Two VIP tickets to the major events 



Platinum Sponsor:

-Promoting the merchant on the member WeChat group



Friendship Sponsor: 

-Sponsor’s organization and website name will be announced in the Wechat group


If you have any questions, please send an email to



We are so thankful to our sponsors for their generosity!


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