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2016-09-08 MSHCA MSHCA





  1. 晚会票价是怎么定的?

Brooklake Country Club 是附近首屈一指的高档私人会所,是婚礼,犹太教成人礼,大型商务聚会的不二之选。通常价格每人$120以上,提前半年订,没有任何还价的余地。因为我们只提前两个月接洽,缺点是可选的日期已寥寥无几,优点是价格上有优惠,反正他们空着也是空着。现在Country Club 收费每人$84,另外我们还需要$2500-$3000支付会场布置,演员,DJ等费用。感谢已经落实的热心赞助,我们提供会员$75/人 的优惠价,鼓励会员踊跃参加。





2. 很想去,但孩子没人管,很纠结,怎么办?

协会考虑到华裔家长较少雇请几小时的Babysitter方便自己参加社交活动,我们专门预定了Millburn Taylor Park Youth Room,为参加晚会的朋友提供免费儿童(4-13岁)照顾并提供晚餐。为孩子做个榜样,参加社交活动,胜过唠叨一千句,鼓励孩子不害羞。穿上礼服,拍出靓照,孩子会以你为荣。


3. 晚会大概什么形式?


5:00 - 6:30,Cocktail time. 啤酒,紅白葡萄酒任飲,几十种佐酒佳肴,外加侍者托盘服务。

6:30 - 8:30, Sitdown Dinner, full course meal. 穿插精彩表演,幸运抽奖和简短致辞。

8:30 - 10:00, 自由交谈,舞会。















4. 具体怎么支持协会的这次勇敢尝试?



5. 晚会在征集晚会专项捐款。协会的常年赞助者还有机会得到宣传吗?

这是协会的一次大型活动,协会自然珍惜这次机会表达我们对协会年度赞助者的感谢。2016 年度赞助名单将会陈列在晚会显著位置。


6. 这此晚会有赠票吗?

捐赠额$500 以上有赠票。本地演员也以赠票为酬劳。其他人员,包括协会董事会成员及家属,循惯例购票入场。


7. 晚会还需要义工吗?










Appendix: Sponsor Benefits for MSHCA 2016 Moon Festival Gala 


*All existing annual sponsors of MSCHA receives a discount for sponsoring this event:

Silver annual sponsor:       5%

Gold annual sponsor:        10%

Platinum annual sponsor: 15%

Event Sponsor Benefits Specifics


Honored Sponsor - $200

- Name Placement on Bill of Fare

- Acknowledgement in Presidential Address

- Business info Posted on MSHCA Website, Email Group, and Wechat Journal


Silver Sponsor - $500

- All the benefits of an Honored Sponsor

- VIP Seating for 2 (20 available)

- 2 gift tickets


Gold Sponsor - $1,000 

- All the benefits of a Silver Sponsor 

- Prominent VIP seating with honored guests for 2 (8 seats available)

- Personal description on Bill of Fare 

- Automatically becomes the association Silver Sponsor for 2017 (a $200 value package) 

- 2 gift tickets 


Platinum Sponsor - $2,000 

- All the benefits of a Gold Sponsor 

- Full Page description on Bill of Fare 

- Be an award presenter on stage 

- Automatically becomes the association Gold Sponsor for 2017 (a $500 value package) 

- 4 gift tickets (2 Prominent VIP seating due to space restriction unless the Sponsor does not have to share table with honored guests)


Buying Whole Table (10 tickets) - $1000

- Friends are guarenteed to sit together

- The business or group sign or logo is honored on the table   

- Group/Business Name Placement on Bill of Fare


Prize Sponsor  $600 - $,1000 

- All the benefits of a Silver Sponsor 

- Raffle draw on stage for your donated prize 

- Name Placement on Bill of Fare

- Acknowledgement in Speech

- Business info Posted on MSHCA Website, Email Group, and Wechat Journal


We are so thankful to our sponsors for their generosity!


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