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2016-05-28 MSHCA


-       蜜尔本霄山华人协会(MSHCA2016董事会竞选公告


     如果您爱着我们的小镇,如果您有服务社区之愿,如果您有想法、有情怀,请加入我们的董事会!  董事会的事业大有作为,组织活动、弘扬文化、连接社区、整合资源、建设平台、参政议政都是我们的阵地。同时,协会还在尝试轮值主席、媒体拓展、专业委员会等创新管理方式!社区的发展需要我们每个人的力量和行动。来这个大舞台吧,寻找志同道合的伙伴,实现想法和抱负,奉献热情和爱心!



     蜜尔本霄山华人协会(MillburnShort Hills Chinese Association) 始创于2005 年。为具有免税资格的非盈利机构(EIN26-4679327)。自创立以來,经过历界组织者及当地居民的积极参与,协会的影响日趋壮大,人数由当初的不足百人,到目前为止近500会员,服务上千社区居民。密尔本霄山华人协会的宗旨关心华人社区的发展,弘扬中华传统文化,并且投身于当地社区建设。协会在每年的中秋节,春节都举办大型的庆祝活动,宣扬中华文化,并且建立平台让当地华人更加了解密尔本社区建设,比如学区委员选举,参与社区建设,以及积极融入当地社区事务参与。


1MSHCA 注册会员。



1候选人请于2016531日前将《个人陈述》以world文档形式提交Eden Cai  的邮箱《个人陈述》部分应包括相关个人经历,竞选原因,上任后计划等。


3)协会会员将于 2016652016619 日之间在网站www.milburnchinese.org进行投票选举。

4)选举结果将于2016 620公布。


        毛遂都可自荐乎,何况当今风流人物?Let’s Go! Let’sDo! Let’s Shine!



2016选举委员会:Eden CaiJason Choy, Jeslyn Li





Millburn Short Hills Chinese Association (MSHCA) 2016 Board MemberElection Announcement

Dear MSHCA members:

     If you love our town, if youare willing to serve our community, if you have ideas and passion, please joinour board! Our board has so much to offer! We organize activities, promote culture, connect community, integrateresources, build platform and facilitate political discussions. Meanwhile, weare also innovating our non-profit management structure, such as developingpresidency rotation system, expanding media outreach, and creating professionalcommittees! A good community needs efforts from each of us. MSHCA can offer youa big stage! Come here to find like-minded friends and show us your ideas,aspirations, dedication, passion and love!

The Board currently has fivedirector position vacancies. We need your support! Come to join us!   

 I. Regarding MSHCA:

     Millburn Short Hills ChineseAssociation (MSHCA) was founded in 2005. A non-profit organization hastax-exempt status (EIN 26-4679327). Since its inception, through the activeparticipation of community activities and engagement from local residents, theimpact of the Association has been increasingly growing, from the original numberless than 100 to current nearly 500 members, serving thousands of residents.The purpose of the MSHCA is concerned about the development of the Chinesecommunity, promoting traditional Chinese culture, and participating in localcommunity development. MSHCA organizes an annual Mid-Autumn Festival andChinese New Year celebrations in large-scale, to promote Chinese culture. MSHCAalso serves a bridge for a better understanding of between other ethnicalcommunities and Chinese community. MSHCA actively participate in Board ofEducation elections, community building, local integration and other communityaffairs.

     II. Candidate Eligibility:

1) MSHCA registered member only.

2) Has integrity & dedication; At least 18 years old.

     III.Board Member Running Process:

1) Every candidate is required to submit a PersonalStatementin word format to Eden Cai’semail address:  priorMay 31, 2016. Personal Statementshould include relevant personalexperience, running reason, election plan ect.

2) Every candidate is required to attend a town hall Q&Ameeting organized by MSH. (The meeting is planned on early June 2016. Meetingspecifics will be announced prior to the meeting).

3) Electronic voting will be held between 06/05/2016 –06/19/2016on

4) Election results will be announced on June 20th, 2016.

5) The elected director will serve a term of two years, officiallystarting from July 1, 2016. Please refer MSHCA By-law for position specifics.

        Let's Go! Let'sDo! Let's Shine!


                                                                                                                                 Millburn Short Hills Chinese Association

                                                                                      2016Election Committee Members Eden Cai Jason Choy, Jeslyn Li


We are so thankful to our sponsors for their generosity!


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